Yahya Al-Hattabi is the founder and day-to-day operator of Y The Yemeni Coffee Co based in Peacehaven. As both he and the company sets their sights on Brighton Coffee Festival this August, we sat down with him to hear a little bit more about the company and what they have planned for this summer and beyond.
Hi Yahya, thanks for taking the time to talk to us today, how are you doing?
Hi! I am very well thank you.
Can you give me a little rundown of your background in the coffee industry?
Certainly! My first experience was as a customer and I did fair amount of taste tests and sampling the usual brands in the early part of my career. I have now been working in the coffee industry for just 4 years, I learnt on the job starting as a barista in my own coffee shop. I have completed various SCA course to enhance my knowledge and skills including barisla and cupping intermediate. I am looking to follow this with the professional level soon to continue my growth in the industry and understand more about the speciality coffee beans I import directly from Yemen.
So your roots are in Yemen, how did you find your way to Peacehaven?
Well, it was quite the journey! I moved to Malaysia to study my Bachelors and Masters and while I was there I met my wife. We were both keen to use our business skills and start something new, so when a local place became available in her home town of Peacehaven we jumped at it. It’s been a great challenge and we have both learnt so much.
What’s your role at Y The Yemeni Coffee and what does that involve day-to-day?
I am the joint owner of the business and more importantly the Manager. Day-to-day that means I am in the coffee shop, serving customers, making and roasting coffee, training my staff and ensuring that every cup of coffee is the very best quality. Alongside that I am always learning from other businesses and colleagues who I connect with. No two days are the same and I meet such interesting people from all over the world who also find themselves in Peacehaven.
How would you like to see Y The Yemeni Coffee develop over time?
I envision Y The Yemeni Coffee becoming a more recognised brand, known for its exceptional quality and and also our commitment to supporting the Yemeni coffee industry and farmers. I hope to see the company expand its reach, bringing the unique flavors of Yemeni coffee to coffee lovers around the country. By sharing the story of Y The Yemeni Coffee Co we can inspire others. It’s not just about delicious coffee. Running a small, independent business takes heart but also brings the communities it serves together. We can make a difference, one cup of coffee at a time!
Why is it you chose to roast only Yemen coffee at your roastery/shop?
Very simple. Quality. Quality. Quality.
What is it that makes Yemen coffee unique?
Yemen is the original home of Arabica coffee and is steeped in history. Yemeni coffee is known for its distinct taste due to factors such as the high altitude at which it is grown, the traditional processing methods used, and the unique varietals of coffee plants cultivated in the region. The mountainous terrain, arid climate, and rich volcanic soil, plays a crucial role in shaping the flavour profile of its coffee beans. These environmental conditions contribute to the complexity and depth of flavor found in Yemen coffee.
You traded at the Brighton Coffee Festival in 2023, how did you find the experience?
Absolutely! The Brighton Coffee Festival was an incredible experience filled with passionate coffee lovers and enthusiasts. For us a business it was a great opportunity to trade, learn and grow. We are in touch with many other local coffee shops and colleagues and the opportunity to hit Brighton with all of our products and experience was such a great opportunity. It was also a lot of fun!
You’ll be exhibiting at the Brighton Coffee Festival again in 2024, are you looking forward to the weekend?
Yes!!! It is going to be bigger and better and I am very much looking forward to it.
What should visitors expect from your stand at BCF?
We really aim to keep it simple and let our coffee speak for us. You can find out more about the history of Yemeni coffee, our brand, and most importantly come and sample some of our coffee.
Y The Yemeni Coffee has won many awards, while you yourself have won the Seahaven Business Person of the Year award last year. What keeps you so driven?
I am always looking for the next step and challenge. Standing still is like going backwards and so my drive is to continue to improve myself and the coffee I make. It works all the way along the chain from the first point of contact with the coffee farmers to training my staff in the coffee shop. Every single part has to have the care and attention it deserves and that is what keeps me going. Never, ever become complacent. It took an incredible amount to effort to get this far and that is the motivation I need.
What are your personal aspirations in the coffee industry?
I am constantly seeking out new opportunities for growth and learning within the industry, whether it be through attending workshops, networking with industry professionals, or taking on new challenges in my current role. I am committed to pushing myself to excel and reach my full potential so I can share my knowledge and experience with others.
Away from the world of coffee, what are your hobbies/interests?
In addition to discussing the world of coffee, I love listening to music while walking and planning my next adventure. Travelling is also an integral part of my life. It not only expands my perspective but also allows me to create lasting memories and unforgettable experiences.
Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to us today Yahya. For those that don’t know, where can people find you day-to-day?
You are most welcome. Thank you so much for the opportunity to share. You can find me in the coffee shop – Y The Yemeni Coffee Co in Peacehaven or get in touch on or social media platforms or by email ythecoffeeco@gmail.com